Thursday 3 October 2013

I need a pincushion

After starting to work on the ATC swap, and trying to sew with two babies running around, I thought I need a pincushion! I saw this tutorial on the Very Berry Handmade blog and thought I'd give it a go with some scraps of material.

It was prooving hard to concentrate with the two girls, but followed the instructions and began to hand sew the pincushion. One of the stips of fabric had ended up not being straight (more tools required I think -  have started an Amazon wishlist!)  but thought I'd carry on anyway as not enough fabric to start again! Just needs stuffing and to close the hole after. Not perfect but I know where it went wrong, pictures aren't great quality either oops sorry!


1 comment:

  1. It looks lovely to me, any fabrics with straight lines on are notoriously difficult to sew anyway!
